Canadian Cities with Jennifer Keesmaat

Alright, our guest today is renowned urban planner, developer, lecturer and public speaker … Jennifer Keesmaat.

Jennifer has been named one of the “most powerful people in Canada” by Macleans, one of the “most influential” by Toronto Life. She spent 5 years as Toronto’s Chief City Planner, where she was celebrated for her forward thinking and collaborative approach to city building. She’s a Distinguished Visitor in Residence Emeritus at the University of Toronto and she shares her vision for cities of the future and the importance of the public sector’s role through publications like The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Macleans, Foreign Affairs and The Toronto Star. Today, Jennifer is the CEO of The Keesmaat Group, and a founding partner of Markee Developments, where she’s developing new communities across the GTA as sustainable, liveable places that prioritize access to high-quality, affordable rental housing.

So, no surprise where we’re going with this conversation: Cities! What their challenges are. Housing. Homelessness. And transit.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada's Minister of Energy and Natural Resources


Canadian Pollsters: Dan Arnold and David Coletto