The State of Canadian News and Journalism: Coyne, Napier, and Wells

Today on the pod, we’ve assembled just a fantastic panel of three noted Canadian journalists: Andrew Coyne, Joyce Napier, and Paul Wells.

I don’t feel I need to get into their bios. If you don’t know these three – where to read them, where to watch them – you’re not paying proper attention. And that, dear Herle Burly-ites, dovetails nicely with the crux of our show. What we’ll be talking about here, is the elemental question ... What is the Future of Journalism? To stretch a metaphor … As a society we need people to eat their vegetables. But it seems like fewer and fewer of us want to eat vegetables, much less pay a market rate for them. So how do get nourishing vegetables produced and consumed?


  • JOYCE NAPIER: not on social media


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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


Minister Marc Miller


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