Dalton McGuinty, the 24th Premier of Ontario

Alright, you curiouser and curiouser Herle Burly-ites!  I’m so chuffed to introduce our guest today on The Herle Burly: The 24th Premier of Ontario. Dalton. I mean, that’s pretty much all I have to say, eh? You all know who I’m taking about. But if you’re looking for the full deal … Dalton James Patrick McGuinty Jr.

The first Liberal leader to win 2 successive majority governments since Mitchell Hepburn, 70 years earlier. And then a 3rd consecutive term after that. His government established education, health care, the environment, and the economy as areas of priority. Test scores rose by 17%. Wait times went from Canada’s longest to shortest. Ontario closed its coal plants in the single largest greenhouse gas reduction initiative in North America. And the McGuinty government cut the marginal tax rate on new business investment in half.

Today, he’s involved in the study and teaching of leadership. He’s a Fellow at Carleton University, served as a fellow at Harvard, and is a Senior Fellow at U of T’s School of Public Policy and Governance.

On the 20th anniversary of forming government in 2003, we're going to talk to Mr. McGuinty about lessons learned and his life in politics.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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