Journalist View from Ottawa: Clark, Kapelos, and Wherry

Alright, you Herle Burly-ites,  I’m always chuffed when we’re able to put a journalist panel together. And goddammit, I feel just a huge amount of power putting questions to people who do it for a living! But let’s face it … they’re far better at it than me.

Vassy Kapelos, Aaron Wherry and Campbell Clark are here today!

Just a brief bio for each because you plugged-in Herle Burly-ites know these 3 pretty well:

  • Vassy is CTV News’ Chief Political Correspondent. The Host of their weekly political journal of record, Question Period, and Host of CTV News Channel’s weekday show, Power Play.

  • Aaron is Senior Writer at CBC News. He’s covered Parliament Hill since 2007. And he’s the author of “Promise and Peril”, a deep dive into Justin Trudeau’s years in power.

  • Campbell is Chief Political Writer for the Globe and Mail, with their Ottawa bureau since 2000. Before that, he wrote for the Montreal Gazette and National Post.

#BREAKING This is going to be a politics show. I want to get our panellists’ thoughts on the 3 major parties and leaders. Where they stand now in the minds of the electorate and how they got there. How current events and polling are shaping their strategies and their messaging. And what the “gallery” makes of the different approaches, and how best to cover it.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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