Mark Carney + the Political Panel

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Alright, it’s time for another Herle Burly 2-part pod!

First up is Mark Carney. Yup, that Mark Carney. The former Governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, Mark Carney. The Mark Carney who recently spoke at the Liberal Convention. But I have to ask: How much do you really know about this man? Today, we’re going to attempt to crack open The Carney. We’ll take a deeper dive into his story. Why a young, successful, master of the universe, Goldman Sachs guy, just quits – to become a bureaucrat in the Department of Finance. We’ll talk about the thesis of his new book “VALUE(S): Building a better world for all”. And we’re going to try to demystify the link between climate action and finance policy and what means for Canada.

Part 2 of is our Political Panel with Jenni “Accept no bullshit” Byrne and Scott “I have no need of fancy grooming products” Reid. We’ll talk about the continuing Ford Fallout in Ontario. Sick Leave? What Sick Leave? The Vance sexual misconduct story. How compelling is this politically? And what about this angle: every day we’re talking about this story is another day we’re not talking about rapid testing or vaccines. Trudeau’s got the guns out in his vaccine photo op – but he’s been tardy on Travel bans. Plus, stick around for our “HEY YOUs!” this week.

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


John Boyko + the Political Panel with Jenni and Scott


Post Budget Panel + the Political Panel