Ontario Liberal "No Goat Rodeos" Leadership Debate


Introducing candidates for the leadership of the Ontario Liberal Party: Michael Coteau, Brenda Hollingsworth, Alvin Tedjo, Kate Graham, and Mitzie Hunter.

We’re just six people sitting in a studio, no table, no podiums, with me as debate cop, here to arrest any canned talking points immediately. 

Join us to hear why they should be party leader and premier. And perhaps most importantly, learn if they’re cat or dog people.

The sixth candidate in the race, Steven Del Duca, declined to participate.

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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Watch this conversation on YouTube.

The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from TELUS and OREA.


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