Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser

This week on the pod, our thoughts turn to the events in Europe and we are honoured to have Sabine Sparwasser here with us. Ms. Sparwasser has been the Federal Republic of Germany’s Ambassador to Canada since 2017. Just prior to that, she was Germany’s Special Representative of the Federal Government for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ms. Sparwasser started her career as a journalist for German television.

Today, we’re going to talk about the war in Ukraine generally. And more specifically with respect to Germany, the huge policy shifts the country’s made recently with respect to nuclear power and military build-up. Then we’ll discuss the strain on the EU in light of Brexit and Ukraine and Germany’s pivotal role within that political and economic union.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and Easter Seals Canada.


Housing Panel: Latif, Moffatt, Petramala & Vaughan


Bill Fox