Trevor Tombe: Canada's Finances and the Canada Pension Plan

Greetings you ever-curious Herle Burly-ites. We’re recording the show on FES+1 ... one day after Minister Freeland dropped the Fall Economic Statement. So that’s precisely what we’re going to focus on for most of the pod, today.

With me to do that is a guest I’m really excited about. Not only because it’s his first time here on The Herle Burly. But because he’s an economist who hasn’t been afraid to do some fiscal truth-telling, both federally and provincially, for quite a while now.

Trevor Tombe joins us. Trevor is based out west. He’s a Professor of Economics at the University of Calgary, and a Research Fellow at The School of Public Policy. His research focuses mainly on fiscal federalism, macroeconomics, and international trade. He’s also a Co-director at Finances of the Nation, which assembles public finance data and builds tools to make it more accessible and useful for analysis and research. 

So, here’s where we’re going with this today: I want to get Trevor’s take on the specifics of the fall update. What did we learn and what did it reveal about where we’re headed fiscally? Then we’ll do a general overview of our economy, with a special focus on the Western economy. Including Trevor’s own research into Alberta’s position in the CPP.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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